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Advertising:  click through rate (CTR) of .61%, which is well above industry standard of 0.2-.3%.

Our website is the go-to destination for professionals and consumers, who are searching for counselors, seeking information related to the profession, or researching resources. We offer a variety of advertising options to suit your needs. Advertising is available online and in print. If you do not see a classification below that fits your needs, contact LPCA@LPCAGA.ORG. Please review all of the advertising options below:

JOB Posting (FREE )  Place the job opening in the body of an email to
Office Space, Supervision, Online / E-NewsletterCE Calendar
LPCA Newsletter Connections Magazine CLICK HERE

NO REFUNDS ON ADS  - Refund Policy

Prices are listed in the advertisement form.

Please Click Here to View Ad Requirements

DISCLAIMER:  LPCA Ads may be dramatically edited due to limited column space allocations. Ads not submitted in the required format may not run a specific issue of the newsletter (hard copy or E). LPCA is not responsible for the listed Ads.


JOB OPENING listing site is a FREE SERVICE. Click Here to Learn More!


OFFICE SPACE  ads are placed on the LPCAGA Website and run for one (1) issue in the hard copy of the Newsletter - two choices up to 30 words or up to 90+ words. *if you place a website ad, the editor will try, not guaranteed, to run your ad in the next Hard Copy of the Newsletter Prices run from $25 to $125


SUPERVISION Ad runs for four (4) issues. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. You cannot purchase a single issue. You must be a CPCS to run a supervision ad (members receive a discount). Prices run from $100 to $225   


CE- Continuing Education Advertising:  All CE ads must first have LPCA CE Approval.  CE workshops are listed on the CE Calendar ONLY  CLICK HERE.


E-Newsletter Ad Columns are $75 per run.  B/W, max word count -characters 500 LPCA opening rate of 68%+  


NEWSLETTER (hard copy) published four times a year with a circulation of approx. 5,000 per issue, plus online for the public.  Ad sizes available: Business card (1/8 page), Quarter page, Half page, full page. Deadlines:  Articles are due December 1, March 1, June 1, and September 1.      The New Ad Deadlines are: 12/1, 03/1, 06/1, 09/1.

Full Page 8 x 11 7.5 x 9. 5
Half Page  4 x 5 7.5 x 4.5
Quarter page 3/4 3.5 x 4.5
Business Card 3.5 x 2


DEADLINE DUE DATE:   December 1, March 1, June 1, September 1.


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